The Dynamic Interlude

That timeframe between significant events in any entity’s life cycle, and what to do in it.

I’ve discussed the necessary path of continuous improvement and challenge to the ‘business-as-usual’ mindset often thwarting true organisational potential. We’ve also covered the need for significant strategic discussions and agreement on transformational events, including succession and structure.

Today it’s about the timeframe between those significant occurrences. The period where we need to balance our focus and energies on both the day-to-day, incremental, improvements, and what lies ahead as major changes.

The monumental events – succession, merger, acquisition, new market entry, community engagement, externally impacting reformations etc – can’t be left to happen on their own or, if they do, the result is as unfortunate victim and not influencer.

I’ve referred to this period as the ‘dynamic interlude’ – the critical phase of preparation and decision-making; the internal and external politicking and manoeuvring; the re-litigation and refinement of decisions and actions; the execution of the strategic process aimed at a sustainable business model.

To the outside world, and even to the many inside focusing on the incremental improvement journey, this appears to be an interlude, interval, or break, but it can be anything but that. Major changes, when finally implemented or realised, can’t destabilise the momentum or rhythm of a successful business but need to be integrated carefully and with the appearance and execution of a seamless delivery.

A failing business, on the other hand, probably needs and deserves the jolt.

The message here: Recognise the dynamic interludes you are faced with and don’t take them as a sign to rest. 


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