Virtual Meetings & Effective Engagement

Could we agree that meetings can be, in many cases, totally unnecessary? With attendance often just to be seen, or a fear of missing something, rather than to add any value.

The explosion of Zoom & MSTeams in the lock-down world has provided a means to be efficient in both time and spend, and the ability to ‘admit’ and ‘mute’ is proving its value in giving a voice only to those who need to be there. There’s no doubt that they have a valuable utility place in catch-ups, engagement and decision-making.

But where is the value in attendees hiding behind their own mute facility or a disengaged video? In a physical forum I’d hope they wouldn’t be permitted to hide under the table.

For the strategic, sensitive, and significant discussions and interactions a return to that physical forum will be welcomed. There’s something powerful about observing body language and gestures; the nuances found through contribution, or lack of – essentially seeing the whites of someone’s eyes - to get a real sense of what’s going on or not, and that can’t yet be easily replicated virtually.


Permission to Leave


EQ and Culture